Welcome to B-Prolog, a versatile and efficient constraint logic programming (CLP) system. B-Prolog is being brought to you by Afany Software.
B-Prolog is a high-performance implementation of the standard Prolog language with several extended features including matching clauses, action rules for event handling, finite-domain constraint solving, arrays and hash tables, declarative loops, and tabling. Read more on Wiki
Feb. 23, 2014
Sharing of ground compound terms in tabled subgoals and answers through hash-consing.
The eager_consume strategy is no longer supported. For planning problems, table mode declaration should be used instead to limit the number of answers to be tabled...Read more...
Oct. 3, 2011
Support of big integers (input, output, and all arithmetic functions), based on the package by Matt McCutchen.
Sharing of ground compound terms in generators and answers for findall/bagof/setof...Read more...
May 12, 2011
'|' becomes a permanent operator. The following operators are permanent and cannot be redefined: '[]', '{}', ',', '.', ':-', and '|'.
writeq is redefined to be (almost?) compliant with the standard...Read more...
Tabled planning built-ins, UTF-8 support,
Apr. 2, 2013
Modeling for linear programming/mixed integer programming and SAT solvers (Examples)Read more...
Jan. 5, 2012