- lp_solve(Options,L), lp_solve(L), ip_solve(Options,L), or ip_solve(L)
Start the LP/MIP solver to find a valuation for the variables L
that satisfies the accumulated constraints. The following options
are allowed:
min(Exp) -- minimize Exp
max(Exp) -- maximize Exp
dump -- dump the model in some format
file(File) -- dump the model to File
format(lp) -- dump the model in the CPLEX lp format
format(clp) -- dump the model in CLP format (IP models only)
- sat_solve(Options,L) or sat_solve(L)
Start the Sat solver to find a valuation for the variables L
that satisfies the accumulated constraints. If no SAT solver
is embedded into B-Prolog, the OS command 'satsolver' must be
provided to invoke a SAT solver on a CNF file. The following
options are allowed:
min(Exp) -- minimize Exp
max(Exp) -- maximize Exp
dump -- dump the set of constraints in the CNF format
file(File) -- dump to File
cmp_time(Time) -- the compile time is Time
report(Pred) -- call Pred each time a valuation for Vs is
found during optimization.
- cp_solve(Options,L) or cp_solve(L)
Start the CP solver to find a valuation for the variables L
that satisfies the accumulated constraints, where Options may
contain only min(Exp) or max(Exp).
- ip_solve_all(L,Bag), sat_solve_all(L,Bag), cp_solve_all(L,Bag)
Find all the solutions of L using a designated solver.