set BPDIR=c:\BProlog set PATH=%BPDIR%;%PATH% set classpath=.;%BPDIR%\plc.jarFor a Solaris or a Linux machine, add the following settings to .cshrc.
set BPDIR=$HOME/BProlog set LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:$BPDIR set CLASSPATH=.:$BPDIR/plc.jarThe environment variables must be properly set. The archive file plc.jar, which is located in the directory $BPDIR (or %BPDIR%), stores the bytecode for the class bprolog.plc.Plc, which implements the Java interface. The file (bp.dll), which is also located in the directory $BPDIR (or %BPDIR%), is a dynamic link file for B-Prolog's emulator.