- Term =.. List:
The functor and arguments of Term comprise the list List.
- append(L1,L2,L):
This is true when L is the concatenation of L1 and L2. (not in ISO).
- append(L1,L2,L3,L):
This is true when L is the concatenation of L1, L2, and L3. (not in ISO).
- arg(ArgNo,Term,Arg):
The ArgNoth argument of the term Term is Arg.
- functor(Term,Name,Arity):
The principal functor of the term Term has the name Name and the arity Arity.
- length(List,Length):
The length of list List is Length. (not in ISO).
- membchk(X,L):
This is true when X is included in the list L. '==/2' is used to test whether two terms are the same. (not in ISO).
- member(X,L):
This is true when X is a member of the list L. It instantiates X to different elements in L upon backtracking. (not in ISO).
- attach(X,L):
Attach X to the end of the list L. (not in ISO).
- closetail(L):
Close the tail of the incompelete list L. (not in ISO).
- reverse(L1,L2):
This is true when L2 is the reverse of L1. (not in ISO).
- setarg(ArgNo,CompoundTerm,NewArg):
This destructively replaces the ArgNoth argument of CompoundTerm with NewArg. The update is undone when backtracking. (not in ISO).
- sort(List1,List2):
List2 is a sorted copy of List1 in ascending order. List2 does not contain duplicates. (not in ISO).
- sort(Order,List1,List2):
List2 is a sorted copy of List1 in the specified order, where Order is
, or >=
. Duplicates are not eliminated if the specified order is =<
or >=
. sort(List1,List2) is same as sort(<,List1,List2)
. (not in ISO).
- keysort(List1,List2):
List1 must be a list of pairs. Each pair must take the form Key-Value. List2 is a copy of List1 that is sorted in ascending order by the key. Duplicates are not removed. (not in ISO).
- nextto(X, Y, List):
This is true if Y follows X in List. (not in ISO).
- delete(List1, Elem, List2):
This is true when deleting all occurences of Elem from List1 results in List2. (not in ISO).
- select(Elem, List, Rest):
This is true when removing Elem from List1 results in List2. (not in ISO).
- nth0(Index, List, Elem):
This is true when Elem is the Index'th element of List. Counting starts at 0. (not in ISO).
- nth(Index, List, Elem): (not in ISO).
- nth1(Index, List, Elem):
This is true when Elem is the Index'th element of List. Counting starts at 1. (not in ISO).
- last(List, Elem):
This is true if Last unifies with the last element of List. (not in ISO).
- permutation(List1, List2):
This is true when Xs is a permutation of Ys. When given Xs, this can solve for Ys. When given Ys, this can solve for Xs. This can also enumerate Xs and Ys together. (not in ISO).
- flatten(List1, List2):
This is true when List2 is a non-nested version of List1. (not in ISO).
- sumlist(List, Sum):
Sum is the result of adding all of the numbers in List. (not in ISO).
- numlist(Low, High, List):
List is a list [Low, Low+1, ... High]. (not in ISO).
- and_to_list(Tuple,List):
Let Tuple be
(e1,e2,...,en). List is [
e1,e2,...,en]. (not in ISO).
- list_to_and(List,Tuple):
Let List be [
e1,e2,...,en]. Tuple is
(e1,e2,...,en). List must be a complete list. (not in ISO).
Neng-Fa Zhou