?-foreach(I in [1,2,3],ac(S,0),S^1 is S^0+I). S = 6 ?-foreach(I in [1,2,3],ac(R,[]),R^1=[I|R^0]). R = [3,2,1] ?-foreach(A in [a,b], I in 1..2, ac(L,[]), L^1=[(A,I)|L^0]). L = [(b,2),(b,1),(a,2),(a,1)] ?-foreach((A,I) in ([a,b],1..2), ac(L,[]), L^1=[(A,I)|L^0]). L = [(b,2),(a,1)]
The following predicate takes a two-dimensional array, and returns its minimum and maximum elements:
array_min_max(A,Min,Max):- A11 is A[1,1], foreach(I in 1..A^length, J in 1..A[1]^length, [ac(Min,A11),ac(Max,A11)], ((A[I,J]<Min^0->Min^1 is A[I,J];Min^1=Min^0), (A[I,J]>Max^0->Max^1 is A[I,J];Max^1=Max^0))).A two-dimensional array is represented as an array of one-dimensional arrays. The notation
refers to the size of the first dimension.
Another form of an accumulator is ac1(AC,Fin), where Fin is the value that ACn takes after the last iteration. A foreach call with this form of accumulator indicates the following sequence of goals:
aa aaa aaa aaa aaa aaa aaa AC0 = FreeVar,The accumulator begins with a free variable, FreeVar. After the iteration steps, ACn takes the value Fin, and the accumulator variable AC is bound to FreeVar. This form of an accumulator is useful for incrementally constructing a list by instantiating the variable tail of the list.