In debugging mode, the system displays a message when a predicate is entered (Call), exited (Exit), reentered (Redo), or has failed (Fail). After a predicate is entered or reentered, the system waits for a command from the users. A command is a single letter followed by a carriage-return, or may simply be a carriage-return. The following commands are available:
- RET - This command causes the system to display a message
at each step.
- c - creep, the same as a carriage-return RET.
- l - leap, causes the system to run in the usual mode until a spy-point is reached.
- s - skip, causes the system to run in the usual mode until the predicate is finished (Exit or Fail).
- r - repeat creep, causes the system to creep without asking for further commands from the users.
- a - abort, causes the system to abort execution.
- h or ? - help, causes the system to display available commands and their meanings.
- t - backtrace, prints out the backtrace leading to the current call.
- t i - backtrace, prints out the backtrace from the call numbered i to the current call.
- u - undoes what has been done to the current call, and redoes it.
- u i - undoes what has been done to the call numbered i, and redoes it.
- < - resets the print depth to 10.
- < d - resets the print depth to d.
Neng-Fa Zhou