- asserta(Clause):
Asserts Clause as the first clause in its predicate.
- assertz(Clause):
Asserts Clause as the last clause in its predicate.
- assert(Clause):
This is the same as assertz(Clause)
- retract(Clause):
Removes a clause that unifies Clause from the predicate. Upon backtracking, removes the next unifiable clause.
- retractall(Clause):
Removes all clauses that unify Clause from the predicate.
- abolish(Functor/Arity):
Completely removes the dynamic predicate that is identified by Functor/Arity from the program area.
- clause(Head,Body):
This predicate is true if Head and Body unify with the head and the body of a dynamically asserted (or consulted) clause. The body of a fact is true. Gives multiple solutions upon backtracking.
Neng-Fa Zhou