% always_turn_left.pi (in Picat)
% by N.F. Zhou, Feb. 3, 2016
% Practice Problems
% Problem B. Always Turn Left
% to use: picat always_turn_left < input_file > output_file
import util.
main =>
T = to_int(read_line()),
foreach (TC in 1..T)
[FPath,BPath] = read_line().split(),
once do_case(TC, FPath, BPath)
do_case(TC, [_|FPath], [_|BPath]) => % ignore the first walk of each path
Maze = new_array(100,100),
between(1, 100, C),
record_room(Maze[1,C], north),
walk(Maze, 1, C, EndR, EndC, south, Dir, FPath), % begin at <1,C> facing south
walk(Maze, EndR, EndC, 1, C, opp(Dir), _, BPath), % walk back
printf("Case #%w:\n", TC),
walk(Maze, R, C, EndR, EndC, Dir0, Dir, [_]) => % the last walk
record_room(Maze[R,C], Dir0),
EndR = R, EndC = C, Dir = Dir0.
walk(Maze, R, C, EndR, EndC, Dir0, Dir, ['W'|Path]) =>
Dir1 = opp(Dir0),
next_pos(R, C, Dir0, R1, C1),
record_room(Maze[R,C], Dir0),
record_room(Maze[R1,C1], Dir1),
walk(Maze, R1, C1, EndR, EndC, Dir0, Dir, Path).
walk(Maze, R, C, EndR, EndC, Dir0, Dir, ['L'|Path]) =>
Dir1 = left(Dir0),
walk(Maze, R, C, EndR, EndC, Dir1, Dir, Path).
walk(Maze, R, C, EndR, EndC, Dir0, Dir, [_|Path]) => % turn right
Dir1 = right(Dir0),
walk(Maze, R, C, EndR, EndC, Dir1, Dir, Path).
left(north) = west.
left(south) = east.
left(west) = south.
left(east) = north.
right(Dir) = opp(left(Dir)).
opp(north) = south.
opp(south) = north.
opp(west) = east.
opp(east) = west.
next_pos(R, C, south, R1, C1) => R1 = R+1, C1 = C, R1 =< 100.
next_pos(R, C, north, R1, C1) => R1 = R-1, C1 = C, R1 >= 1.
next_pos(R, C, west, R1, C1) => R1 = R, C1 = C-1, C1 >= 1.
next_pos(R, C, east, R1, C1) => R1 = R, C1 = C+1, C1 =< 100.
record_room(Room, north) => Room = [y,_,_,_].
record_room(Room, south) => Room = [_,y,_,_].
record_room(Room, west) => Room = [_,_,y,_].
record_room(Room, east) => Room = [_,_,_,y].
output(Maze) =>
foreach(R in 1..len(Maze))
foreach(C in 1..len(Maze[1]))
Room = Maze[R,C],
if nonvar(Room) then
bind_vars(Room, n), % change vars to n
printf("%w", maze_code(Room))
if nonvar(Maze[R,1]) then nl end
maze_code([y,n,n,n]) = 1.
maze_code([n,y,n,n]) = 2.
maze_code([y,y,n,n]) = 3.
maze_code([n,n,y,n]) = 4.
maze_code([y,n,y,n]) = 5.
maze_code([n,y,y,n]) = 6.
maze_code([y,y,y,n]) = 7.
maze_code([n,n,n,y]) = 8.
maze_code([y,n,n,y]) = 9.
maze_code([n,y,n,y]) = a.
maze_code([y,y,n,y]) = b.
maze_code([n,n,y,y]) = c.
maze_code([y,n,y,y]) = d.
maze_code([n,y,y,y]) = e.
maze_code([y,y,y,y]) = f.