% osmos.pi (in Picat)
% Declaratively solving Google Code Jam problems with Picat, PADL'15
% Sergii Dymchenko and Mariia Mykhailova
% http://goo.gl/0N5zB8
% Round 1B 2013
% Problem A. Osmos
% to use: picat osmos < input_file > output_file
import planner.
main =>
C = read_int(),
foreach (Case_num in 1..C)
A = read_int(), N = read_int(),
Others = [read_int() : _ in 1..N],
do_case(Case_num, A, Others)
do_case(Case_num, Armin, Others) =>
Limit = length(Others),
best_plan([Armin, sort(Others)], Limit, _Plan, Cost),
printf("Case #%w: %w\n", Case_num, Cost).
final([_, []]) => true.
action([Armin, Others], NewState, Action, Cost) ?=>
Others = [Min | Rest],
Armin > Min,
NewArmin is Armin + Min,
Action = absorb,
Cost = 0,
NewState = [NewArmin, Rest].
action([Armin, Others], NewState, Action, Cost) ?=>
Others = [Min | _Rest],
Armin =< Min,
append(NewOthers, [_], Others),
Action = remove,
Cost = 1,
NewState = [Armin, NewOthers].
action([Armin, Others], NewState, Action, Cost) =>
Others = [Min | _Rest],
Armin =< Min,
NewItem is Armin - 1,
NewOthers = [NewItem | Others],
Action = add,
Cost = 1,
NewState = [Armin, NewOthers].