% campinatorics.pi (in Picat)
% by N.F. Zhou, Oct. 31, 2015, updated Jan. 5, 2016
% World Finals 2015
% Problem B. Campinatorics
% to use: picat campinatorics < input_file > output_file
% requires version 1.8 or up to solve large instances
main =>
T = to_integer(read_line()),
foreach (Case in 1..T)
N = read_int(),
X = read_int(),
lprime = 1000000007.
do_case(Case,N,X) =>
not not printf("Case #%w: %w\n", Case,count(N,X) mod lprime()).
count(N,X) = sum([count3(N,I)*count12(N-I) mod lprime(): I in X..N]).
% with exactly I 3s
count3(_N,0) = 1.
count3(N,I) = comb(N,I)**2 * fact(I) mod lprime().
% with N {1,2}s
count12(N) = fact(N)*deran(N) mod lprime().
% choose I of N
/* O(N*I) space - too much for the large set
comb(N,1) = N.
comb(N,N) = 1.
comb(N,I) = (comb(N-1,I-1) + comb(N-1,I)) mod lprime().
% according to Fermat's little theorem:
% x^(p-1) = 1 (mod p) if p is prime and gcd(p,x)=1
% x^(-1) = x^(p-2) (mod p)
% comb(N,I) mod P =
% fact(N)/(fact(N-I)*fact(I)) mod P =
% fact(N)*fact(N-I)^(-1)*fact(I)^(-1) mod P =
% (fact(N) mod P)*(fact(N-I)^(P-2) mod P)*(fact(I)^(P-2) mod P)
comb(N,1) = N.
comb(N,N) = 1.
comb(N,I) = Res =>
Res = fact(N) * inv(N-I) * inv(I) mod lprime().
inv(N) = Res =>
P = lprime(),
Res = pow_mod(fact(N),P-2,P).
% count derangements
deran(0) = 1.
deran(1) = 0.
deran(N) = (N-1)*(deran(N-1)+deran(N-2)) mod lprime().
% don't use the built-in factorial because it's not tabled
fact(0) = 1.
fact(N) = N*fact(N-1) mod lprime().