% min_scalar_product.pi (in Picat)
% by M. Bionchik, July, 2015
% https://code.google.com/codejam/contest/32016/dashboard#s=p0
% Round 1A 2008
% Problem A. Minimum Scalar Product
% to use: picat min_scalar_product < input_file > output_file
% The intuition is as follows: if we're to get the minimum scalar product, we
% must multiply the largest numbers by the smallest numbers so that the sum of
% products is minimized.
main =>
T = read_int(),
foreach (I in 1..T)
do_case(Case) =>
N = read_int(),
V1 = [read_int() : _ in 1..N].sort(),
V2 = [read_int() : _ in 1..N].sort_down(),
Prod = sum([E1*E2 : {E1,E2} in zip(V1,V2)]),
printf("Case #%w: %w%n", Case, Prod).